Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Crimes Against Children Digest 9-1-15

The arrest of Jared Fogle, the Subway Spokesman, is a sign of the proliferation of crimes against children.  They don't look like child predators, they look like everyone else.  Many feel their feelings are normal, and the Internet allows them to normalize these feelings.

When it comes to children, if you see something, say something.

Oviedo Man Sentenced to 10 Years for Receiving Child Pornography 

Elmira Man Sentenced to 188 Months in Federal Prison for Production of Child Pornography  

Gasport Man Sentenced on Child Pornography Charge

Gainesville Man Charged in Child Exploitation Case 

Two Charged with Sex Trafficking Minors 

Fort Bend County Man Indicted on Child Pornography Charges

Union County Man Sentenced to 25 Years for Producing Child Pornography 

Convicted Sex Offender Faces 20 Years in Federal Prison on Federal Child Pornography Conviction 

Last of Four Defendants Charged in the March 2014 Heroin Overdose Death of a Dallas Teenager Admits Guilt 

Newcomb Man Sentenced to Prison for Federal Aggravated Child Sexual Abuse Charge         

Special Education Students in School Safety: Include or Not?

The Special Education Dilemma in School Safety

The Learning Connection is on online community through the Indiana Department of Education.  Recently a question was posted that gives much food for thought for students in special education.  "Has any school dealt with students who are unable to participate in fire drills?  If so, what procedures have you put  in place to accommodate the children while satisfying the requirement to engage all students in the drill?"  Schools with special education students often struggle with including such students in their safety plans.  When do the needs of the students outweigh the safety needs of the school?  Or do they?